"Kaitiaki Koru Earrings: Embrace the spirit of guardianship with these intricately designed earrings. Inspired by the Koru, each spiral represents not only the unfurling fern frond but also the role of a kaitiaki—a guardian and protector. Crafted with care and respect for Māori traditions, these earrings symbolize the intertwining concepts of growth, strength, and the watchful embrace of nature. Adorn yourself with the essence of guardianship and the beauty of the Koru in this meaningful accessory."
Care instructions -
>Store in a clean dry place
>Keep away from oils, creams, perfumes or any harsh chemicals.
>Do not wear earrings while in water.
>Take care not to bend the earrings, as they may break. To clean the polymer clay gently rub with soft damp cloth.