"Pastel Drop" introduces a whimsical drop earring that effortlessly combines the soft allure of light pink and blue hues with a mesmerizing marble design. The unique shape adds an elegant touch to the ensemble, while the delicate pastel colors evoke a sense of tranquility and grace. These earrings are a delightful fusion of sophistication and playfulness, making them the perfect accessory for those who appreciate a touch of modern elegance with a hint of whimsy. Embrace the charm of "Pastel Drop" as it gracefully enhances your look with its ethereal and stylish design.
Care instructions -
>Store in a clean dry place
>Keep away from oils, creams, perfumes or any harsh chemicals.
>Do not wear earrings while in water.
>Take care not to bend the earrings, as they may break. To clean the polymer clay gently rub with soft damp cloth.