"Raspberry Red Roses" presents a charming set of stud roses in captivating red variations, designed for everyday elegance. These versatile earrings add a touch of sophistication to your daily ensembles, effortlessly transitioning from casual to polished. The vibrant red hues infuse a sense of energy and style, making "Raspberry Red Roses" the perfect choice for those seeking a timeless and chic accessory for their everyday wear. Embrace the floral allure with these studs that effortlessly blend simplicity with a pop of vibrant color.
Care instructions -
>Store in a clean dry place
>Keep away from oils, creams, perfumes or any harsh chemicals.
>Do not wear earrings while in water.
>Take care not to bend the earrings, as they may break. To clean the polymer clay gently rub with soft damp cloth.